AstroAid is a universal app for iOS devices running iOS 10.0 or later. It functions as an aid to visualising what you will see through your telescope when you use a particular eyepiece and, optionally, an optical aid (such as a Barlow lens). Additionally you can pair an imaging device (imager or camera) with a telescope or camera lens and show the field of the imager overlaid on the sky. The ability to drag and rotate the imager field will help with imaging session planning.
The app computes a number of parameters for your telescope/eyepiece/imager combination, such as magnification, actual field of view, visual magnitude limit, etc. and displays these values in tabular form.
The application contains several catalogues of astronomical objects, including Messier, NGC, IC, and several others. For each object the application will download an image from the Internet and suitably scale it to display at the correct size for your chosen astro hardware. Other catalogues will become available occasionally via an automatic download.
The app contains extensive lists of known vendor-supplied telescopes,camera lenses, eyepieces, imagers, and optical aids. You can also create your own custom entries if your equipment isn't listed (for example, if you made your own telescope). These lists will be updated on-line at regular intervals.
Click the App Store logo below for more details, screenshots and to download the app.
Note: While this app is not directly related to the AstroPlanner desktop application, it does share some functionality, and in the future might offer some "symbiotic" interoperability features.
An illustrated user manual in PDF format (the same manual is available from within the app).
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